Our Physicians and Advanced Practice Professionals

Family Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine
EHHC 1190 Primary care
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Walker, Jennifer, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Dr. Jennifer J. Walker earned her MD degree and completed a family medicine residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She completed a fellowship in Faculty Development and earned her Master’s Degree in Public Health from the University of Washington. She is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Dr. Walker joined the residency faculty in 2016 following her retirement as a Colonel in the US Army. Her military career allowed her to serve in a variety of practice environments, from family clinics to community hospitals to world-class tertiary care centers at military bases in the US and Europe. Immediately prior to joining the HIFMR faculty, Dr. Walker served as the Director of Graduate Medical Education at Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, NC. Dr. Walker fell in love with Hawaii while serving as the Chief of the Medical Staff for the large outpatient healthcare facility at Schofield Barracks on Oahu, followed by Chief of Clinical Operations at US Pacific Command at Fort Shafter. She has served in demanding leadership positions at military medical facilities while deployed to the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and her military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, the Legion of Merit, and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. Dr. Walker has been inducted into the Order of Military Medical Merit and has received the Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians President’s Award.
Dr. Walker has lectured extensively on medical and military topics at regional, national, and international military and civilian conferences. She has conducted and published original medical research, has authored or co-authored numerable scientific journal articles and book chapters, and has served as chair of several professional development and continuing education seminars.
Undergraduate Education
- Seattle University, Seattle, Washington
Graduate Education
- University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Medical Education
- Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Waukesha Family Practice Center Residency Program, Waukesha, Waukesha, Wisconsin
- Faculty Development, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington
- State of Hawaii
- Board Certified, American Board of Family Medicine
- Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians
- Walker JJ, Sayama M, Spradling T, Interino B, Cunningham J. As a Community, We CAN: How East Hawaii is Reducing Avoidable ED Visits and Inpatient Admissions. Hawaii J of Med and Pub Health. 2019 June; 78 (6 Suppl 1):41-45.
- Holmes N, Walker JJ, Chapple W. Newborn with Desquamating Rash (Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome). J Fam Prac 2019 Apr;68(3): 175-77.
- Walker JJ, Holmes N, Martell J. In Suspected Eosinophilic Meningitis Cases, Ask About Recent Travel to Hawaii (Letter to Editor) Consultant 2018;58(2):52.
- Walker JJ, Stockinger ZT, Chinn CG. Establishing a Joint Theater Trauma System During Phase Zero Operations. Military Medicine 182(3/4):41-46.
- Walker J. Supporting the Integration of Women in the Military Environment. In: Constructive Pathways: Stimulating and Safeguarding Components of Women, Peace, and Security. US Naval War College Working Papers April 2015.
- Walker JJ. Bathsheba Syndrome: Are Successful Military Leaders at Risk for Ethical Failure? Uniformed Fam Phys Spring 2014.
- Walker JJ, Cleveland LM, Davis JL, Seales JS. Audiometry Screening and Interpretation. Am Fam Phys. 87(1): 41-47.
- Hanson J, Haub M, Walker J, Johnston D, Goff, B, Dretsch M. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Subtypes and their Relation to Cognitive Functioning, Mood States, and Combat Stress Symptomatology in Deploying U.S. Soldiers. Military Medicine 177: 655-662.
- Hanson J, Dretsch M, Junnila J, Johnston D, Haub M. Dietary Supplement Use among Soldiers Deploying to Combat. Journal of the American Dietetic Association; 2011, 111(9) supplement, A36.
- Junnila J. Chagas Disease Cardiomyopathy (Letter to the Editor). Am Fam Phys. 81(4);407.
- Junnila J, Cartwright V. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Ebell MH, et al, eds. Essential Evidence. John Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2009.
- Haight D, Junnila J. Epicondylitis. In: Ebell MH, et al, eds. Essential Evidence. John Wiley and Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2009.
- Junnila J, Runkle G. Coronary Artery Disease Screening, Treatment, and Follow-Up. Prim Care Clin Office Prac 33(2006):863-885.
- Junnila J. Screening for Thyroiditis (Letter to the Editor). Am Fam Phys 72(2): 168.
- Beitler AL, Junnila JL, Meyer JH. Humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan: a prospective evaluation of clinical effectiveness. Military Medicine 171: 889-893.
- Junnila J, Cartwright V. Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children: Part 2. Rheumatologic Causes. Am Fam Phys 74:293-300.
- Junnila J, Cartwright V. Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children: Part 1. Initial Evaluation. Am Fam Phys 74:115-221.
- Junnila J. Photo Quiz: Septal Hematoma. Am Fam Phys 73(9):1617-8.
- Oh R, Junnila J, Seehusen D, Edwards J, Runkle G. Maintenance of skills for today’s family physician: the SAGE approach to physician learning. Mil Med 170:1012-5.
- Junnila J. What’s Your Diagnosis? Facial Bruising and Altered Mental Status After a Fall (Basilar Skull Fracture). Fed Prac 22;6:10-18.
- Junnila J, Oh R, Seehusen D, Edwards J. The SAGE Approach to Family Physician Learning. Uniformed Fam Phys July 2004.
- Junnila J. The Medical Educator’s Portfolio. Uniformed Fam Phys January 2004.
- Wittich A, Junnila J, Buller J. Would Your Patients Prefer to be Your Clients? JAOA 103;10:485-7.
- Junnila J. Multiple Carpometacarpal Joint Dislocation. Am J Em Med 20;3:264-5.
- Junnila J, Lassen P. Testicular Masses. Am Fam Phys 57;4:685-92.