Dan Brinkman, RN, MPA
CEO, HHSC Corporate Board Member
Brinkman has been the East Hawaii Regional CEO of Hawaii Health Systems Corporation since 2015, overseeing Hilo Medical Center, Hale Ho`ola Hamakua, Ka`u Hospital, the Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home, and the East Hawaii Health Clinics. He first joined Hilo Medical Center in 2007 as the Chief Nursing Officer and was named Chief Operating Officer in 2014. Prior to moving to Hilo, he was the Assistant Administrator of Interventional Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Brinkman earned a Master’s in Public Administration from University of Colorado, an Associate Degree in Nursing and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Augusta State University. He resides on the Hamakua Coast with his wife and extended family.